On January 1, 2024, five new amendments to the DFSA Rulebook will be in place.
This follows the completion of the consultation period on a number of proposed legislative changes that were set out in Consultation Papers No. 147 and 150 The DFSA Board, after what it described as “due consideration of consultees’ comments”, has made five amendments to the DFSA Rulebook, which will all
come into force on December 31, 2023.
1. PRUDENTIAL – INVESTMENT, INSURANCE INTERMEDIATION AND BANKING BUSINESS MODULE (PIB) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT (No. 360) 2023 will repeal and replace the version of the Prudential – Investment, Insurance Intermediation and Banking Business Module (PIB) of the DFSA Rulebook. See
appendix 4 for the detailed amendments.
2. GENERAL MODULE (GEN) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT (No. 361) 2023 will repeal and replace the General Module (GEN) of the DFSA Rulebook. See appendix 5 for the detailed amendments.
3. AUDITOR MODULE (AUD) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT (No. 362) 2023 will repeal and replace the Auditor Module (AUD) of the DFSA Rulebook. See appendix 6 for the detailed amendments.
4. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS MODULE (COB) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT (No. 363) 2023 will repeal and replace the Conduct of Business Module (COB) of the DFSA Rulebook. See appendix 7 for the detailed amendments.
5. AUTHORISED MARKET INSTITUTIONS MODULE (AMI) INSTRUMENT (No. 364) 2023 will repeal and replace the Authorised Market Institutions (AMI) module of the DFSA Rulebook. See appendix 8 for the detailed amendments.
All these rules and their appendices can be viewed on this section of the DFSA website. But if you have any questions or are concerned about these changes, just get in touch. We’re always happy to hear from you and always happy to help.