
Quick tips on working safely online

Written by Penta | Nov 16, 2018 5:44:00 AM

Cyber criminals may be continually evolving their tricks and traps, but it is important to recognise there are still some key steps all users can make to enhance their security online.

Firstly, users should ensure they have quality anti-virus software installed as it is still the first line of defence online.


And given how fast hackers can deploy their malicious attacks, it is more important than ever to ensure your anti-virus software is suitably up to date. We also strongly recommend installing anti-virus protection on any internet-connected smartphones and tablets, particularly Android devices, as there is plenty of evidence to show criminals are turning towards targeting phones and tablets.

Another really important point is to be sure of the source of any email attachments you receive before you open, as Penta systems administrator Johan Blaix points out:

“One of the biggest threats to any user’s data can come from links and attachments in emails. When you receive either of these from someone you know it is really important to check they are genuine before you open them as they can contain viruses.

“If you ever have any doubt about any attachment, it is really important users do not open them.”


Hackers know people are far more likely to click a link or download a file from a friend or work colleague than one from a total stranger. As such, after getting access to other people’s email accounts, many hackers send their malware programs disguised as typical image and document attachments to all their victims’ friends and contacts. With this in mind, our advice is never to click on any links or download any files if you are unsure about them, at least not until have verified with them that it is legitimate.

Social media

Additionally, the rise of social media has given hackers new ways of conning people out of their cash. One recent attack saw a number of high-profile Twitter accounts in the UK hijacked to promote a Bitcoin scam. The accounts were effectively rebranded by the hackers and used to tempt their followers into spending Bitcoin on the promise of a lucrative return.

These message were then ‘endorsed’ by other prominent accounts which were also being controlled by the cyber criminals. And to ensure their scam was seen by as many people as possible, the hackers even paid Twitter to promote their message.

Targeted phishing scams can be a popular way for criminals to access business data. And more worryingly, cyber criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the way they use the spoils of their attacks. With the log in details to one email account, hackers are able to target their victim’s friends and family, change the victim’s passwords on social media and online stores, and even attempt to con their victim out of cash by simply pretending they have more compromising data.


This may all sound daunting for the under-pressure IT manager to keep up with, but with Penta’s multi-layered approach to security, featuring partnerships with some of the largest and well-respected digital security companies such as Norton and Duo, you can sleep at night knowing your business’ data is in safe hands.


Hack attacks

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 Penta blog