Penta eSign

Fast, secure digital signatures that work exactly the way you need them to.

Streamline, simplify and safeguard your document signing process with Penta eSign. Designed to provide unparalleled compliance, security and customisation for sensitive industries including finance, legal and healthcare, Penta eSign is tailored to meet your unique, stringent requirements.
Penta eSign Digital Signatures

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Penta eSign represents the highest possible level of security for your document-signing processes, done your way. Integrity and confidentiality are guaranteed, thanks to Penta’s private cloud, and the advanced encryption methods we use to authenticate and secure your documents and signatures.


Key Features


Ultra-Secure Signing and Authentication

Penta eSign uses advanced, state-of-the-art encryption methods and two-factor authentication to protect your documents, so only authorised individuals can access and sign them. Your signatures are authenticated with the highest level of security.


Customisation Capabilities

Personalise your digital signing experience by customising workflows, branding, and the user interface to align exactly with your business processes and corporate identity. Penta eSign offers a seamless, streamlined, branded signing experience.


Custom Domain Mapping

Map a custom domain name to your digital signature portal so your clients never have to venture from your site, and feel safe in your hands throughout the signing process. 


Private Cloud Hosted

Penta eSign is hosted in our private data centres, for maximum data protection and compliance with industry standards — no matter where you are in the world. Your data is both utterly secure and completely under your control, without exception. 


Designed for Sensitive Industries

From finance and legal services to healthcare, industries that handle sensitive data trust Penta eSign to meet — and exceed — all regulatory and compliance requirements. 


The Benefits



Penta eSign is the secure, streamlined, reliable digital signing solution that’s utterly tailored to your business and operational needs.




Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Penta eSign has the flexibility to contract and expand according to your business needs. Our solution grows with your business, so you always have the security and capability you need. 




Enjoy complete peace of mind with 24/7 support from Penta’s team of experts. We’re here to help you every step of the way, from implementation right through to ongoing support. 


Penta eSign Fact Sheet Download

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Ready to talk? The Penta team spans two countries, covering Europe and the Middle East in multiple languages. From a single outsourced application to the most complex private cloud, there’s a solution for you.

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Our Data Centres



State-of-the-art data centres based in Dubai's financial hub the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)

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High-end data centres in Geneva and Lausanne with bank-level security.

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Explore our Plans

  • Business Cloud

    The complete turnkey IT solution for small- to medium-sized companies, managed by Penta.

  • Corporate Cloud

    Highly customised enterprise-scale IT and infrastructure, designed and maintained by Penta.

  • Penta

    The agile cloud solution for start-ups and SMEs, serviced and supported by Penta.


Case Studies

Where strategy meets success. Pioneering solutions for complex challenges.

For over two decades, Penta has been part of hundreds of success stories across both countries and sectors. If you’re interested in joining them, these Case Studies and other resources give you an inside track. Download them below.