Penetration Testing

Test your defences and increase your resilience with our pentesting solutions

When protecting from cyber security attacks, offence is just as important as defence. By simulating attacks against your systems you can test the effectiveness of your current cyber security measures, identify areas of improvement, and stay ahead of the game against emerging threats. This is done through penetration testing, a process in which a dedicated team of cyber security professionals utilize all the available techniques to find weaknesses in systems, processes and people to gain unauthorized access.

At Penta we take a holistic approach towards penetration testing covering internal and external networks, cloud infrastructure, web applications and social engineering. Our cyber security professionals pose as the red team attempting the attacks, and at the same time we sit on the blue team side to monitor and evaluate the response.

Our penetration testing projects are custom built and designed around your environment and needs. You will get reports that detail all the vulnerabilities found, their severity and potential impact, and the proposed countermeasures for each.

Penetration Testing

Our Penetration Testing Process

Our penetration testing process comprises five main stages:

Reconnaissance and Scope Definition

We collect information and identify the areas we need to pentest, the detailed scope for each and the methods to be used. We then gather intelligence about the target IT infrastructure and determine a strategy for the penetration testing.

Scanning and Discovery

We perform a thorough scan of the target network, hosts or web applications to find ports and services that are poorly secured or exposed in a way that may create a vulnerability.

Vulnerability Assessment

We identify the vulnerabilities that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access, intercept traffic or steal data using a variety of exploitations and we determine the feasibility of each type of attack.


With the target vulnerabilities identified, we then get into action. Our experts will use a specialized framework in addition to manual techniques and their own experience to launch exploits of those vulnerabilities. Gaining unauthorized access is one thing; our experts will also assess the ability to maintain that access unnoticed which signals an advanced persistent threat (APT), which is a significant type of risk.

Analysis and Review

The results of the penetration tests are compiled and analyzed detailing the initial findings, the vulnerabilities that were exploited, and the APTs that were identified. Our experts also put together a proposed plan of action to remediate the vulnerabilities.

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Ready to talk? The Penta team spans two countries, covering Europe and the Middle East in multiple languages. From a single outsourced application to the most complex private cloud, there’s a solution for you.
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Our Data Centres



State-of-the-art data centres based in Dubai's financial hub the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)

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High-end data centres in Geneva and Lausanne with bank-level security.

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Explore our Plans

  • Business Cloud

    The complete turnkey IT solution for small- to medium-sized companies, managed by Penta.

  • Corporate Cloud

    Highly customised enterprise-scale IT and infrastructure, designed and maintained by Penta.

  • Penta

    The agile cloud solution for start-ups and SMEs, serviced and supported by Penta.


Case Studies

Where strategy meets success. Pioneering solutions for complex challenges.

For over two decades, Penta has been part of hundreds of success stories across both countries and sectors. If you’re interested in joining them, these Case Studies and other resources give you an inside track. Download them below.