Why privacy issues are giving the Swiss government a headache
The Swiss government is trying to move everything to Microsoft 365… but there’s a privacy-shaped stumbling block.
The Swiss government is trying to move everything to Microsoft 365… but there’s a privacy-shaped stumbling block.
Remote or hybrid work is the new normal, which means cybercrime is shifting too. Here are five cybersecurity dangers you need to be aware of.
Most companies can barely track anything, frightening though that may sound. And it’s a big security worry, to put it lightly.
On January 1, 2024, five new amendments to the DFSA Rulebook will be in place. Are you ready for the new DFSA laws?
Swiss SMEs are behind the times according to a new study by Digitalswitzerland. One in ten Swiss SMEs have been cyberattacked.
Penta’s cyber security expert Mohammad Hammoudeh shares his 5 key pillars of success for effective internal cyber security training.
The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) recently published a report on its first industry-level cyber simulation exercise.
Penta was awarded ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification in May 2023, the first company in Dubai and Geneva to achieve this.
If your company falls under Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) jurisdiction and you are unsure where to start in achieving IT compliance,...
Cyber attacks are on the rise in volume and sophistication, and SMEs are in the criminals’ crosshairs. How to protect your SME.